Saturday, February 20, 2010

City of Lancaster to Rezone Much of the PreDeveloped Land

The City of Lancaster has proposed zoning changes throughout the city limits. Some target areas will be the area south of Avenue G to H which has been proposed to be heavy industrial and it will run from Hwy 14 east to Division and then it will run south of H along Sierra Hwy to Ave I. There will also be almost a square mile of light industrial from Hwy 14 west to 20th West from H to I. There will be great deal of light and heavy industrial from Hwy 14 east to Challenger within avenues L to M. The industrial zoning changes are designed for Solar and Wind Energy firms to entice them to locate within the city of Lancaster. The proposal includes much more R-7000 and R-10,000 residential from Ave I south and Hwy 14 to 70th Street West. A good amount of this area has been RR 2.5 only allowing 1 home per 2 acres, but with R-7000zoning developers can build track homes of one house per 7000 square feet. In addition, the land surrounding the County Jail and Hospital at West Ave I and J will be virtually surrounded by light industrial zoning and commercial at 50th W at J.

This new zoning draft review took place Feb. 16th at the Lancaster Planning Commission meeting. It is part of the City of Lancaster 2030 General Plan. Another part of the plan is a proposed mixed used (MU) zoning adopted as part of the General Plan. A large portion of this proposed mixed use will be from 20th to 35th West and from H to I. The public will be allowed to review the draft proposal and the earliest the mixed use zoning can be adopted would be April of this year.
These proposed changes can really change the value of land especially land that is changes from RR 2.5 to R-7000 or R-10,000.
The City of Lancaster seems to be progressive and aggressively business growth, which can produce a vibrant economy for the cities future.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Los Angeles County Rural land Soon to become a Race Track?

The proposed racetrack is approaching the finish line. The Fairmont Butte Motor Sports Park ( has been proposed on 320 acres of land at 150th Street West at Hwy 138. The property owner and founder is Thomas E. Malloy. The Los Angeles County planning commission recently recommended the project at the September 2009 meeting. There are several more hurdles to jump, but the meeting this coming Saturday February 6th at the Lancaster Regional Library may go a long way to making this project a reality.

The proposed track is situated on privately owned land in Antelope Valley. Most of this area is vacant unused land or farmland in the remote area west of Lancaster, Ca. The track will be open to the public with no memberships required. The plan is not for commercial use, but for private motor car enthusiasts, car clubs, and racing organizations. The track will carve around Fairmont Butte just west of the poppy preserve.

The plans indicate that the racetrack would only use 140 of the available acreage and operate only during the daytime, and there would be no grandstands, allowing for only a few spectators. Racing would only take place on weekends and on occasional Fridays. The main obstructions that may upend the proposal are environmental issues. The few nearby residents could be exposed to excessive noise once it is up and running. It could also affect the area's wildlife, which includes lizards, badgers and burrowing owls, and it will be only a mile from the state protected wildflower poppy preserve. Environmentalists also indicated this area is also home to seasonal wildflowers, California buckwheat scrub and purple needle grass typically grow there. The racetrack group indicates that they will minimized these environmental issues by restricting noise, limiting racing and traffic and independent studies show that while there will be some impact to habitat, there would be no impact to wildlife movement or to the Poppy Reserve. In addition, the Fairmont Butte offers a natural barrier to noise and helps maintain the areas natural beauty.

There are also several Solar power companies forwarding proposals to develop this area, so the terrain will likely change rapidly in the coming years. Most private land owners and investors have looked for development and changes in this primarily rural vacant land. Property prices will likely increase in the coming years due to the coming growth, and we will keep you informed to these developments.